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For Family and Friends Day Sunday April 23, 2023.  We love to see you!


The Women’s Auxiliary was formed to establish a forum through which the women of the church could assemble and form a spiritual base. It has shown how women in the scriptures played a vital role in Christianity. The study of women has been inspirational and encouraging, enabling our women to better support our church.

To have the knowledge of exactly how women were used by God in the past and present has proven to be beneficial and uplifting.

The auxiliary serves women 18 years of age and above. The age range serves to have women of all ages to associate and exchange experiences. Social interaction between the age groups has broken down barriers and formed relationships and have enriched us as a church family. Our Women’s Ministry is focused on helping you learn to love the Lord your God. We listen to God through prayer and bible study. We rejoice that no matter what you are going through, we can hold fast to Him.

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The Men’s Club here at Salem Missionary Baptist Church is designed to encourage, strengthen and build our community of Men in the church. We draw inspiration from a verse in the Holy Bible, where in the book of Proverbs, Chapter 27, verse 17 states: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” The Men’s Club holds monthly meetings and events where we discuss the principles of leadership, responsibility and what it means to be a Christian man in today’s world. Finally, we also sponsor our quarterly “Family and Friends” day and provide flowers for the women in the church on Mother’s Day.

The Men’s Ministry also brings men together to develop friendships, have fun, and encourage each other. But most importantly our passion and purpose is to help develop men into godly leaders for their church, their families, their place of work, and their communities.

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The Way Out

(Alcohol and Chemical Addition Ministry) aka Free in Christ Ministry
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Our primary focus for members suffering from addiction is actually twofold:

First & foremost, our aim is to give a comprehensive view of the process and progression of alcoholism and/or chemical addiction in the body and the mind. There are 12 steps that are addressed. Programs of this type have been in existence since 1939 and have proven to be successful for those who follow it. However, while these programs are successful and considered to be spiritual, they lack the concrete biblical sources that a child of God suffering from addiction would need. Our program does not answer to a vague “higher power” for healing but identifies and recognizes God as our only source of help. Our meetings show that “whom the Son has set free, is truly free indeed”. We acknowledge that a complete and permanent change can only be accomplished through the word and power of God.

Therefore, the 2nd part of our meetings involves a focus on the Word and how this available power can lift us up out of the bondage of addiction. We do not preach, nor are we credentialed to counsel or give medical advice. Our aim is to present the evidence found in Scripture and pass it on to those who suffer from addiction and leave the healing to God. Note: The Way Out is not affiliated with Salem Missionary Baptist Church. 


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We want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Christ—your kids included! That's why, during our Sunday morning worship services, we offer fun and engaging environments where children can learn and grow in faith as well. All our kids' programs are designed to be safe places where children in our church can learn new and exciting things about God while being led and cared for by adult volunteers from our congregation. It's our hope to encourage children to not only discover new things about God, but also begin to understand how those things matter in their own lives.
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